Biomass is a unique term, meaning materials that come from plants and animals. This includes wood, excess crops and even animal waste. We can use these organic materials to generate electricity, heat up the insides of our houses on a cold winter day or even convert them into fuels that run car engines. Nevertheless, these classical ways we utilize to use biomass present some issues. They use more energy that can be less efficient and they can damage the environment. It is here the new biomass gasification technology comes in.
The new wood gasification generator for sale technology is a milestone in the KEXIN has long been ahead. The technology operates by subjecting biomass too high temperatures and pressures in a controlled environment. When we do this, the biomass decays into much smaller parts — molecules. This produces a gas that may be burned to supply energy or converted into other valuable substances. One of the most exceptional features is that it does not have any losses; which means almost all energy present in biomass can be converted to usable forms.
Aside earlier this year, and hydrothermal upgrading of lignin, the wood gasifier generator for sale can also turn coal into a more environmentally friendly form. Coal is a very common type of fossil fuel on Earth, but when we burn it many pollutants are released into the air. These gases can play havoc with our climate and pollution, which is not good for the health of ourselves and the planet. Coal is vaporized to a cleaner gas through supercritical Gasification. Generating energy by burning coal is very harmful to the environment, however converting raw natural gas CO2 into cleaner gas makes it feasible for creating less damage.
Supercritical gasification, a breakthrough technology in the renewables sector It allows us to divert biomass which would otherwise be sent to landfills, and makes the use of coal more sustainable. It represents a meaningful step in the transition to an improved energy system that is more sustainable. The gas that is produced from supercritical gasification can also be converted into many different products, the most intriguing candidates include. This includes those that can make fertilizers to be used in plants for growth and even chemicals requiring multiple industries.
And like all new technology, supercritical gasification is not without its challenges as a means of large-scale feedstock utilization. Even when the small laboratory has graduated to big factory this transition is hard. But, KEXIN will work hard to make this technology come for all. We think that supercritical gasification is the way to fully realize biomass and use clean coal better, making them cleaner sources of sustainable energy.
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